Friday, July 2, 2021

The Dalai Lama Village near Aoste, Italy

 I have to take it all back to meeting the Archangels when they came and saved my life from whooping cough. Even as a baby (I was just 2 years old) I saw the Archangels and I wanted to go with them. So, by the time I was 5 I started praying so I could travel with them. Over time I learned this was called by some Soul Travel. So, I prayed that I could soul travel with the angels. At age 20 this gift was granted to me after all my prayers by Archangel Gabriel so I could stay alive to do God's work. 

I think they all understood who I was and that I could ask the Galactic Sentience to create a 2nd timeline so human civilization didn't have to end from 9-11-01 until around 5000 AD on the first timeline. So, when I asked that the earth not be blown up it was able to be accomplished by altering time and space and creating a 2nd timeline so human civilization didn't have to end for 3000 years like it did on the first timeline. Then Elohar and Ragna were sent backward in time from 7028 AD from near the Matterhorn from what I call "The Crystal Palace" the location of which is now called "The Dalai Lama Village in the mountains above Aoste Italy towards the Matterhorn. I intuitively found it in 1999 when I rented a motorhome in Munich and drove my mother, my middle daughter who was 10 then and my son and his friend who were both around 25 and traveling on a Eurail pass through Europe at that time. My wife and 2 1/2 year old youngest daughter stayed home near San Francisco because my wife just thought it was too much to travel with a 2 1/2 year old through Europe then.

In 1999 it was Called then: "The Dalai Lama Camping Club" when I found the location then. I was really surprised when I found the location then that it was called the "Dalai Lama Camping Club" but even this made perfect sense to me because I have one initiation with the Dalai Lama personally along with 500,000 people in December of 1995 when we were in Bodhgaya, India then with my wife and older children. It was the Kalachakra 4 day initiation we all received then in Bodhgaya, India.

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