Saturday, July 3, 2021

Why is the scientific Method so important to the survival of the human race?

It's sort of like we are dealing with in regard to Vaccinations. The probability that you might die from coronavirus goes up likely at least 60% if you are not vaccinated now and this probability of the 60% increase of you dying from coronavirus over the next 10 to 20 years could get even steeper if new variants keep occurring for a variety of reasons.

This is but one of many different reasons that living your life according to the scientific method is important. 

I start out with basically an infinite amount of hypotheses about life. If someone tells me something no matter how outlandish it might be it is possible it is true. Because I have found that some of the most outlandish things I ever have heard in the end turn out to be true which is amazing in itself.

So, if someone tells me something in person or in the news I just leave it sitting there not confirming it or denying it until I have more evidence. Then over time some things move into the realm of theory and even less move into the realm of Laws. 

To make it to a law it almost has to be something like Gravity. In other words if you jump out of a 2nd story window of a house you may or may not survive or something like this.

So, over time you get more and more theories and a few more laws and this enables you to better survive your lives.

It doesn't mean you like what you find to be true. But, what it does mean is that it is more likely you will survive knowing what you have now learned is true about life that you have learned along the way.

by God's Grace

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