Friday, July 2, 2021

Why it's important to be in the right place at the right time:

For example, you wouldn't want to be inside a burning building in Lytton Canada when 90% of the town burned down after their 121 degree temperature recently.

So, it's about if you are somewhere hot having either a car or a house with Air Conditioning that works with water and food to eat and drink and stuff like this.

There are going to be extreme Droughts (like west of the Rockies we are likely in a 1000 to 10,000 year drought right now. So, you want to not take so many risks of various kinds that you die from the heat.

Or conversely, you don't want to be one of the people who freezes to death in Texas if the whole state freezes over like it did last winter (unless you have heat and water and food and are okay).

So, from now on you have to almost see the planet as a space ship you are traveling in and that your every move is important in trying to survive here on earth.

It isn't about panicking. NO. That's not it. But, it is about taking the world and the weather changes seriously enough to survive whatever you encounter during the next few hundred years or more.

It's the Boy Scout Motto: "Be Prepared".

And being prepared is about being prepared physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so you can survive whatever comes.

By God's Grace 

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