Monday, February 14, 2022

Hong Kong Is the Canary in the Coal Mine for All of China

 China isn't going to tell you anything useful about Covid in China. So, the only indicator of how bad it actually is (in all or parts of China) is what's happening in Hong Kong. So, if you understand then that since Hong Kong is going to be more honest in it's covid reporting you get the general idea of just how bad Covid is already in some or even all of China right now.

Zero Covid's policy in China might have worked with previous variants but Omicron is far too contagious (about 20 times more contagious than the first variant out of Wuhan). So, Zero Covid policy has no way of being successful under these contagion conditions worldwide now. 

Since The Chinese have no antibodies or herd immunity because of Zero Covid policies, the effects could be deadly for China (and also for the whole world if a worse variant arises in China because of all this). Because then that Chinese variant caused by no Chinese Antibodies could overwhelm Countries around the world once again.

I would say there is a 50-50 chance of Covid dying out by summer like the Spanish Flu started to in 1920 or it could also go the other way with a Chinese or Asian Variant that causes problems worldwide too. it really could go either way now.

The Spanish Flu that killed 50 to 100 million people on earth between 1918 to 1920 began to fade out by 1920. So, the same thing could theoretically happen to Covid if we are very very lucky now by summer.

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