Saturday, March 5, 2022

To me, the saddest part of what is happening in Ukraine isn't all the deaths

When you are dead you are gone. Period.

But, the damage through PTSD of both Russian Soldiers and Ukrainians of all ages who physically survive this will go on until they die or kill themselves.

So, for me at least, the horrific nature of Ukraine is for the survivors of this Holocaust upon Ukrainians. Because Russian Soldiers, (especially the young ones) were told this was a training exercise at first so they were pretty surprised when they died along with their friends.

The horror of this war will haunt all mankind for at least the next 75 years of the people who live on wounded to their core that physically manage to survive this.

Because the "Walking Wounded" of PTSD are the hardest problem ALL mankind are going to have to deal with after Ukraine becomes whatever it becomes next. 

All this is true whether or not Putin survives another day or another hour. He has destroyed millions of lives ongoing by just what he has done so far already both to both Millions of  Russians and Ukrainians.

And this doesn't even begin to deal with the PTSD in all mankind having to go through this horror after a few years of Covid killing their friends and relatives worldwide.

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