Thursday, March 24, 2022

Watched 1883 Series with my wife

We found this to be one of the best series we have seen in the last year. However, I suppose you have to prepare yourself for a whole lot of people dying coming west in a wagon train trying to get to Oregon from Texas too.

It reminded me a little of the times we are living through here on earth with Covid and now Ukraine and wondering where all this is going to end up? Even driving north from Santa Barbara and seeing the Salinas River completely dry was kind of Scary a few days ago now because after all isn't this March when it should be the most full during the year? A dry river in March in California is kind of scary any way you look at it (unless you are in the desert where dry washes are all over the place where there is ONLY water when it rains and then you could be washed away like I almost was in my 1968 Camaro around 1969 Near Old Woman Springs in the deserts near Yucca Valley, California.

But, this series "1883" like I said is very well done but at times very hard to watch like when the young woman gets bit while trying to go to the bathroom near a tree by a rattlesnake in the butt and dies. But, if you have ever been around rattlesnakes they often like it shady in rocks and near trees where they can get out of the sun too so this makes sense too. After all, they often live in holes and crevices in the ground sort of like ground squirrels. 

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