Thursday, July 7, 2022

I started on my spiritual Soul Travel path when I was only 2 years old

 I was dying of whooping cough at the time and I was laying on my Scottish Grandmother's lap and she was singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". So, my present theory is that her singing literally brought the angels to heal me then.

So, I saw this huge ball of white light come into the room as my grandmother sang (likely sometime during Christmas of 1950 or 1951 I guess. The angels seemed to know me and were very supportive to me and I began to heal and get better and to stop dying like I was before.

I completely wanted to go with all these angels when it was time for them to go and as a little child I asked my mother and grandmother how I could be with these angels and came to see the angels as "Soul Travelers". So, I began to ask God by age 4 or 5 in my prayers so I could soul travel with the angels that healed me so I didn't die.

By age 20 my prayers were answered one day and Arcangel Gabriel came to me and gave me the ability to soul travel so I wouldn't die in my 20s from all the things I saw coming in my life then. He said that they were giving me this ability because they needed me to stay alive to help mankind not go extinct some time between 1990 and 2300 to 2500.

Somehow it was important to the angels that I stay alive because somehow I was instrumental in keeping mankind alive ongoing. At the time this made no sense to me at all but it makes more sense now with all God and his angels have shown me along the way.

Part of the way I am able to help is by what I write sometimes here at this and other websites I have.

When key people around the world read what I have written they are often inspired to study and move forward in spiritual and scientific ways which allow ways to be invented to actually survive the next 500 years or so here on earth.

One of the many things coming is some people are going to be living first 150 then 200 then 300 and 500 years during the next 500 years or so. As some of the most educated people do this they will have more time to dedicate to studying how to keep mankind alive through all the things we will have to face to make it past 2500 AD.

So, I hope we make it until 2500 AD

The Angels are helping us get there too.

By God's Grace

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