I never exactly end most things I'm writing about so this allows me to write more at some time in the future. So, even though the closest to an ending that I write is in Chapter 11 most of the time I don't do this simply as a psychological ploy that keeps the door open for me to write more at some point on whatever subject I'm writing about.
But, this should contain both links to memories part 1 through 11 at the top and further down possibly the beginning Chapters of 12 and so on. Usually if you cannot find the links on the page they are at the end of the section or Chapter you are presently reading to the next section or Chapter of what you are reading.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
If you haven't read Chapters 12 through 18 of "Memories" yet here is a word button to start the process
Here are chapters 1 through 11 if you are interested too:
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Monday, November 30, 2020
memories chapter 12 through Chapter 18
I'm reprinting Chapters 12 through 18 of "Memories" because I don't have it at dragonofcompassion.com yet.
Basically, what I realized was that I hadn't studied the formulas for creating pages at Yahoo Business site dragonofcompassion. So, I guess I will have to relearn how to do that once again. Unless you are programming every day you stop knowing how to do it over time. It's like any other language programming or human spoken or written language, in order to stay fluent you have to keep using it or pieces of it fade away from not using them enough. This is why as people get older they often say: "Use it or lose it!" or in my case "Take the time to relearn it and learn the new techniques available too".
Most of Memories 1 through 11 were written from 1980 to the early 2000s. Then in 2018 and 2019 I wrote Chapters 12 through 18. So, it's sort of like a completely different book in some ways with the same characters to some degree traveling through time various places to do specific work. However, in Memories 12 through 18 you spend much more time getting to know the present "Galactic Sentience" who is the present leader of this galaxy at this time who is one of the species of beings I Call "The CREATORS" who actually create Galaxies. They do not live in Time and Space naturally because they existed basically before all matter galaxies were created by them. However, they can live in both matter and anti-matter universes both in addition to living in "no time no space" so for this reason they are "God Like "in that they in some ways were never born and never die" (even though conceptually understanding a being that didn't start in time and space and in a galaxy necessarily is difficult for humans to comprehend (at least at this stage of human evolutionary development mentally, physically emotionally and in all ways).
I have read of physicists believing that space is actually 2 dimensional and not 3 dimensional but I really am not sure what to do with that idea. However, conceptually it might help in understanding what it must have been like before Galaxies and concepts like Up and down caused by gravitation of planets and stars ever existed.
Seeing a galaxy as a "Breeding Ground" for creators that they construct to have there be more creators likely would make the most sense to me at my present stage of experience and knowledge and wisdom.
So, therefore, Galaxies were constructed so Creators could have more creators. And since our souls are creators this is interesting too. So, when we say we have immortal souls this just means our souls are the Creator species that creates all Galaxies.
No galaxies could exist without Creators Creating them first. So, before Creators basically there was no matter or time or space in any regularity in the universe at all. If it existed before Galaxies it was very haphazard at best and unpredictable.
I'm reprinting this so it's easier for you to find "Memories" Chapter 12 through 18
Saturday, August 14, 2021
This is a reprint that contains word buttons "links" to chapters 1 through 11 and chapters 12 through 18 of "Memories"
If you want to read chapters 12 to Chapter 18 of "Memories"
The following is a reprint from October 1st. I believe I started writing Chapters 12 through 18 so far of "Memories". I wrote Chapters 1 through 11 in various stages between 1980 and the early 2000s. it all started in I believe 1980 on a beautiful summer day in mt. Shasta when I lived with my family (in 1980 my youngest son would have been 6) and is now 44. But, at that time I wrote what I believed then was Therapeutic Science Fiction to help heal myself from the traumas at that point in my life. At that point I had studied Computer Science, PHilosophy, Psychology (as I had wanted to become a psychologist in my 20s). However, the birth of my son ended my dream of becoming a psychologist when I was 26. It was more important to me to stay married and to raise my son than it was to become a psychologist then. But, I had studied Computer science, Philosophy and psychology a lot by then. Since then I also studied Cultural Anthropology too which helps me a lot in my studies of cultures and how they are formed through religions and farming the last 25,000 years to get to where we are today. Just like Medical science is making people atheists because of the technology of staying well. Before people needed to believe in God just so they didn't die of panic from ailments that they could not diagnose or treat. So, the nearness of death creates the belief in God, without which most people just panic and die one day of things out of their control completely. However, then there is Buddhism. I Studied Tibetan Buddhism in the 1980s and was amazed when I saw 500,000 Tibetan Buddhists in Bodhgaya India while I and my family were being initiated into the Kalachakra Tantra there in December 1985 when my son was 10 and my older stepson was 14 and my stepdaughter was 12. We all received the Kalachakra Tantra over a 4 day period with 500,000 others from all over the world then.
HIs Oneness I believe is the "King of Shambala" and who was originally (I believe) from Lemuria and trained by the Galactic Sentience to be the Time Lord of Earth on Behalf of the Galaxy which is still happening today.
Hopefully this Memories Chapter 12 word button actually works
First attempt at writing Chapter 12 for "Memories"
Note: Actually 12 continued comes before Chapter 13 in the order of what is written.
Here are chapters 1 through 11 of "Memories" if you haven't read them yet.
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