Wednesday, July 12, 2023

In the recovered memories from 1974 UFO incident when my mind went forward into the future the sky was light green

 Today I was reading how oceans are turning green more from phytoplanton away from blues to greens. And to some degree the blue skies I think are a reflection of the blue waters of the sea. Therefore when my mind went into the future because this is what Elohar and Ragna wanted from around 7000 AD the skies were a light green which might have been helped by green oceans reflecting in the skies. Also, different balance of gases in the skies might make the skies a light green color too.

For example, the doomsday weapons on the first timeline all went off on September 11th 2001. Many of these doomsday weapons from all nations might have been nuclear but some might have been biological or nerve agent based too. So, this could have been why the sky was a light green instead of a light blue like now? Not sure.

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