Sunday, October 1, 2023

After Drizzling for about 24 hours here on the NORCAL Coast it's sunny today

The weather people were right. It's a beautiful day presently 66 degrees with full sun which is great! After running ahead of the storm from Mt. Shasta to the SF BAy area on Friday it's nice to have some sun again. However, around Sacramento it was around 82 degrees on Friday which was surprising considering the storm going by to the north of us. What I did notice coming south Friday was that it was very windy and sometimes the dust occluded seeing the road properly and you had to slow down some for safety. But, I only stopped about 10 minutes time on the whole trip down from Shasta to the Bay area so I made very good time in my truck heading home. I got Starbucks in Mt. Shasta because they have now opened one there and just high tailed it home to the Bay Area.

But, I'm now sitting out on my back yard deck under a beach umbrella at an outside table and it's beautiful. After so much high and low fog along the coast here this summer every moment of sun is a joy.

So, paradoxically compared to most other places in the U.S. I don't know if we even saw 80 degrees even once with temperatures mostly under 70 degrees all summer long. This is why generally speaking no one has air conditioners here in their homes because you might have only one day (if that) that you actually might need one during the year. Most of the year you need your heating system after dark too because it is normally between 40 and 60 almost every night here too. So, as I listen to the Sea Lions barking like dogs in the distance this is what it's like here on the Northern Coast of California.

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