Thursday, October 19, 2023

UFO experiences often cannot be denied by the experiencer

 For example, if you actually meet someone or several someones from the past, present or future of this planet or another "How are you actually going to deny that?"

It's true that someone could perform a big hoax on you sort of like when there was a Star Trek Ride in Las Vegas and they combined Klingons with an actual ride and experience that you were I think being kidnapped by Klingons, and later changed the ride to being kidnapped and altered by Borgs.

But, generally speaking people don't have thousands or millions of dollars to create an elaborate hoax that you might not be able to deny.

So, mostly "If it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck it's usually a duck".

And when this happens it really doesn't matter what anyone says to you or doesn't say to you you realize that you have had an actual UFO experience. At this point it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks (even the government) because telling anyone about what you experienced could be potentially fatal to you or your family. This has always been a given.

For example, when I had an experience on Bunny Flat  in likely June of 1974 on Everitt Memorial Highway on Mt. Shasta which is a paved road that goes up as far as Panther Meadows and where the old Ski Bowl used to be before the 1970s I chose not to tell any government officials simply because my son had been born and I didn't want my raising him to adulthood to be interfered with in any way by our government people people often then died for much less than this here in the U.S. And this is a given too. I wanted to be left alone to raise my son in relative peace and so this is what I did.

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