Friday, January 19, 2024

More Writing

Today has been rainy but I still went to the beach with our dog. The clouds were very impressive because the rain clouds were coming over the ocean to the shore. I was surprised that the waves weren't bigger. But, what was interesting was all the around 50 pelicans and maybe 20  sea Gulls standing on the beach near a river  where it runs into the ocean that only runs mostly this time of year when it's raining. The river as more and more water came down it changed drastically where it was running from heading straight west towards a cement set of stairs heading up to the top of a small cliff. However, by the road the water had washed away the base of another set of stairs so it isn't really safe for most people to go down it anymore so they put an 8 foot 2 by 4 across the entrance so no one gets injured in the 4 foot drop from the last cement stanchion set on top of the sand there. But, during the year the ocean moves the sand up and down a lot so now there is literally no time of year lately where this staircase can safely be used except for maybe really young and agile people that can jump 4 feet off the cement stanchion down onto the sand or wherever the sand might be then which could be 4 feet down to 8 feet down depending upon what time of year it is.

So, at least the set of stairs near the cliff can be used because even though the bottom 2 stairs and railing are often covered by sand, at least you can use the other stairs safely almost no matter who you are as long as you are capable of descending stairs.

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