Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Potatoes or Coconuts are the only 2 things you could live on your whole life and likely still be relatively okay

I already mentioned Baked Potatoes in a previous article. However, the trick is to survive on potatoes is you have to eat the peels too where most of the real nutrients are in order to ONLY survive on Baked Potatoes. I don't think this could work if you were eating potatoes ONLY as French Fries or Has Browns by the way. So, it is only eating the whole potato (peels and all) that you can live ONLY on Baked Potatoes if that is all you have to eat your whole adult life.

Also, you have to eat ONLY Organic Baked potatoes to not be poisoned by the insecticides or herbicides that would reside in the skin of Potatoes or Carrots or Apples. So, you should ONLY eat Potatoes, Apples and Carrots if they are organically grown anyway to avoid pesticide or herbicide poisoning.

The other thing you can live on: "however, it wouldn't be fun, is coconuts simply because you would have the runs all the time which would be difficult. Also, you have to be living where coconuts actually live because you have to eat them at all stages of development from ONLY pure Coconut Milk to what is sometimes called Copra which is when it hardens up into what people often think of as coconut beyond coconut milk.

As far as I know these are the ONLY two things a person could (if they had to to surivve) live ONLY on either Coconuts or Potatoes.

This is a good thing to know if everyone around you is starving to death somewhere on earth by the way.

It's a way for you to survive when maybe others won't.

Also, you would want to only eat organically Grown Coconuts too in order to live your whole life (if you needed to) on Coconuts but you would likely have to be living next to where a  coconut palm or Palms were growing and bearing in order to survive this way.

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