Wednesday, January 3, 2024

If we are really honest with ourselves about all this:

People believe in God and or religions simply because they inherently know that they wouldn't survive without these beliefs. I personally have always wondered how people survive while believing nothing not even in themselves.

And it's true often people Don't Survive with nothing at all to believe in.

And especially growing up before the 1970s and 1980s you couldn't really trust modern day medicine either because you had doctors on TV in Commercials telling us that it was okay to smoke cigarettes because they smoked too as doctors and so then a doctor would light up a cigarette and smoke it in front of people. But now, they have people smoking cigarets from a. hole in their neck because of Throat and lung cancer which is more realistic.

So, literally the ONLY thing people around the world had that they could trust before the 1970s and 1980s was believing in God and Religion. 

Then in 1985 in December I went to India to Bodhgaya and there was initiated along with 500,000 others into the Kalachakra Tantra. I also observed faithful Tibetan Buddhists there from Deep into Tibet that knew that the Chinese would never let them go back home to Tibet so they were going to have to stay in India or Nepal or other Free Country because they could never be allowed to go home ever again.

But, it was their devotion to their religion of Tibetan Buddhism that really touched my heart.

I learned during that week that one doesn't necessarily have to believe in God to become enlightened and to have compassion for all beings.

This helped me a lot in life even though I will always believe in God because my physical survival always depended upon this growing up in the 1950s. Believing in God for me means I'm never really ever afraid of death so death is sort of like Going to Sleep "To Sleep Perchance to dream" as Shakespeare once said.

It's not that I relish the suffering that might come along with dying it's that death itself does not scare me really at all. And for me, this is the best part of believing fully in God.

Then, when Archangel Gabriel gave me the gift of conscious soul Travel in my early 20s I experienced how a soul can separate from the physical body at which point no one could tell me that we don't have souls because I had already seen for myself that we do and that our bodies are only like cars we drive around in with our souls.

By God's Grace

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