Wednesday, January 3, 2024

What's it like to be an intuitive?

IF I am realistic about it we are all intuitives except that many of us have been wrongly conditioned by people around us as babies and after who destroy our innate natural knowledge about everything to do with being a human being.

It would be like if a deer or dog was trained to be an elephant or a rhinoceros that it would always be confused the rest of it's life. Like that.

Because we are innately born to be what we really are from birth and then often we are trained out of these things in order for people to more easily control us.

This is often called: "Domestication". Now, don't get me wrong much of the conditioning  we receive from parents or guardians is necessary for us to be civilized enough to be around people at all. But, then there are things that are done to us "like Military Training" that are counterproductive to our long term survival as a being.

And I find maybe the single most important thing lost is the ability to use our God Given Gifts to protect ourselves physically, spiritually, emotionally and  psychologically from harm or death in our lives.

So, in the process of domestication people are often given conditioning that ends their lives inadvertantly before they are 25 or 30 years of age simply because parents often are children themselves and have no real idea what they are doing.

So, being an intuitive often comes from parents who were also allowed to become intuitives too.

So, these intuitives were domesticated without losing their abilities to survive well a long time here on earth.

However, surviving to be 30 is always difficult for everyone including intuitives.

This is important to know too.

By God's Grace

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