Thursday, February 15, 2024


As a child I wasn't "TRAINED" by teasing to not see angels or other sacred beings. So, I never lost this ability. My mother and grandmother told me when I spoke of my experiences with Angels that I shouldn't talk to other adults about this because they wouldn't understand. So, I listened to my relatives and only spoke with them about these things.

So, I didn't lose my abilities to see angels like many children do from various ways they are controlled or put down for seeing such things. So, I was very lucky and so part of this is I am still alive at 75 mostly because I still have this ability and angels can tell me how to go on living longer and longer.

There are hundreds or thousands of times I could have died in various ways but having Angels to tell you what to do to survive almost anything is to live in a Constant State of Grace with God and Angels.

So, if you can don't train your kids out of their natural abilities to see angels, their lives and yours could be saved if you protect their Angelic relationships and yours regarding all this.

By God's Grace

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