Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Current in the North Atlantic Slowly dying and the Amazon Rain Cycle Collapsing?

I remember watching: "The Day After Tomorrow(2004) and now today we see a part of what they were talking about actually happening 20 years later in regard to the very currents that keep the North East Coast of the U.S. and Europe as warm as they are during a good part of the year. Now today they are also talking about how the rain cycle of the Amazon River Basin is also starting to stop working as well likely from deforestation too.

If you watch the movie "The Day After Tomorrow(2004) as a movie it's not that everyone is going to flash freeze on the east coast and turn into popsicles  one day (no that's not it) Instead it likely means that it will get much colder and snowier on the North East of the U.S. and it means that the same is true in Europe as well which could mean people have to migrate more to warmer climates (at least during the winters?)

And in the Amazon River Basin if the rain cycle is messed up from deforestation I'm not sure exactly what that means either. Maybe weather scientists studying this will know what is likely to happen there too.

So, now we have several weather systems breaking down which likely will affect millions of people who live in the North Atlantic Area and millions of people who live in the Amazon River Basin Area too in South America.

I don't live either place because I live in California but those of you who do live in one of these places will also have to figure out how you are going to deal with the future (especially in the winters during the next couple hundred years too).

I think the stopping of major currents in the North Atlantic could also make it more likely to have an ice age (a small or large one covering the North East and parts of Europe for example or other similar events. 

However, I'm not a weather scientist so what do I know?

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