Friday, February 9, 2024

If Putin or China hit every Nuclear power plant east of the Mississippi River there would be no place East of the Mississippi River safe to live in


Because once you hit Nuclear power plants in a certain way and once those power plants melt down with exposure to the open air and lands and water and earth there really is no going back. It's sort of like "What if all the nuclear power plants east of the Mississippi river were destroyed suddenly?"

Basically, then east of the Mississippi River Civilization would end quite abruptly East of the Mississippi River in the continental United States.

So, imagine everyone who wants to survive this getting West of the Mississippi River as quick as they can or they would know they would slowly or quickly die of Radiation poisoning.

If you chart where all the nuclear power plants are East of the Mississippi River are there is basically no safe zone from Radiation of any note within it East of the Mississippi River. And even then the Radiation moves on the winds whatever way the winds are blowing so it is possible that Europe and the Atlantic Ocean could be radiated from this as well as Russia and China as it travels Eastwards on the prevailing winds circling the earth mostly traveling in the northern Hemisphere at least to the East somewhat around the world.

So, after people east of the Mississippi River evacuated after something like this it is also possible that Europe would also need to be evacuated as well as Russia and China too?

I'm not sure of the answer to this question.

I only know it wouldn't be safe anywhere east of the Mississippi River in the U.S. after this happened. Not Sure what happens in Europe or the rest of the world if this happened, however.

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