Tuesday, February 20, 2024

My first website was at geocities.com which doesn't exist anymore since around maybe 2009?

An online lady friend from Canada helped me set up my first website using a template I believe and HTML (hypertext markup language) which most of the Internet is based upon (at least as far as users know about which is the most closest to the surface. Underneath the surface is also internet protocol sometimes called TCP/IP which is the foundational part of Internet protocol where different operating systems are usually able to interface around the world all the way from IPhones down to Mainframe computers of various kinds worldwide.

So, we used HTML which is on top of TCP/IP which goes worldwide to create my first blog site at geocities.com. Then Yahoo bought geocities and eventually tried to convert everyone to Yahoo business sites from geocities.com. I still have a Yahoo business site that I pay for since around 2007 called dragonofcompassion.com where a lot of my longer writings are. 

However, most of my newer stuff is more likely at http://thespiritualpath888.blogspot.com/

or at the site you are presently read it at intuitivefred888.blogspot.com 

I had almost died from a heart virus from fall of 1998 until May of 1999 when my heart specialists told me I was going to live and that they had found what was wrong with my heart and told me that I might live a normal life span after all.

So, the next 5 years or so I had to get adjusted to being retired because of my illness and then in 2006 I was also diagnosed as hypothyroid and started taking thyroid medicine and felt a whole lot better ever since. I actually expected to be dead by 2010 but the thyroid medicine kept me alive along with Lisoprinol which helps deal with heart issues too.

The point is that I found a way to Thank God for helping me stay alive like I had promised him when I believed I was dying. So, I said if I lived that I would write online in a blog about God and how God and Angels have helped my life and the lives around me ever since.

It's true that I have many interests just like my readers and I have had a technical background which included training as an electrician by my father who was an electrical contractor in Los Angeles and I also went to college and studied computer programming and learned COBOL language and Fortran Language for programming computers. I also learned how to operate most punch card equipment then including the IBM 1620 mainframe and the IBM 360 computer mainframe series too as well as many other ones made by computers like Univac then too. However, I left the computer field except as a hobby by the early 1970s mostly even though I did work part time at one point in the computer department for Glendale Hospital around 1977 when I was attending a college in Pasadena then.

Since I had mostly grown up in Glendale it was an interesting experience to go back there in 1977 because I hadn't lived there since 1969.

So, the point of this article really is that I have had at least one website at a time ongoing since June of 1999.

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