Sunday, March 31, 2024

Developing your intuition

I have a friend who believes in 40 day water fasts and he is already 81 years old. However, most people likely don't have the right metabolism or life circumstances for this to work.

However, when I moved to Mt. Shasta from San Diego in 1976 with my family I found a place that I could heal myself and develop my intuition and move forward in my life.

Many people try to "Fit INTO the world". 

I think I learned early on that I would have to Create my own world to live in. 

It was pretty obvious to me how people were being literally driven insane by living in big cities and the slavery of many careers. So, I realized early on this type of life wasn't going to work for me.

I was lucky when I was young to realize that I was going to have to do something different than most other people with my life. So, I tried many different things to see what would work for me.

I realized that like my father I tended to be more practical and intelligent than most people I met. Another thing that actually helped me a lot was to almost die from Whooping cough and later from a concussion with night time seizures between the ages of 10 and 15 years of age.

Most people would see these things as negatives in their lives but for me it made me more serious than most of my peers and a lot less silly in my life especially between the ages of 2 and 20 years of age. However, I also had to become more childlike to survive my life too so I found this type of healing by going to college a lot between 18 and 25 years of age. Doing this allowed me to see deeper than many people seem to in their lives. 

It allowed me to learn to engineer my life better than most people seem to. It allowed me to be actually happy by the time I was 32 years of age and I found I was pretty happy being a married father until my own father died when I was 37 years old. Then it was a struggle for me to live to be 50 taking care of myself and my family.

However, when I almost died myself at age 50 everything changed for me. No longer was I in a state of Middle Aged Crazy where the ground was coming up at me pretty fast towards death.

I began to be grateful for every moment I had left with my family and my friends and I have stayed like that ever since. I'm grateful for my wife every day and I'm grateful for my children and grandchildren too and often tell them how happy I am that they are all in my life.

Gratitude, after all is: "The Motor of Life".

The other saying I find helpful is:

"Hope Springs Eternal

If we die daily"

By being grateful for every moment you have left in your life you no longer worry really about dying because that isn't what's important. What's really important is every moment you have left with your family and friends here on earth.

By God's Grace

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