Sunday, March 31, 2024

In the Future it might be more feasible to land in lakes and oceans than to land at airports because of increasing wind shear

 I was writing in a previous article about how the winds and wind shears are increasing exponentially all over the world. People are often getting injured on planes now because they are not wearing seat belts when these wind shears hit. It's mostly people up going to the bathroom and Stewards who are injured in these events.

Wearing a seat belt any time you are below 10,000 feet especially is important because the worst wind shears are usually below 10,000 feet in altitude. Why is this?

It's because the air is thicker at lower altitudes so when it buffets a plane it REALLY Buffets a plane in extreme ways.

However, you can get the same effect at higher altitudes from Storms as well even with thinner air which tends to cushion a plane more. It's one of the reasons why planes fly at 40,000 feet so much. When you are traveling between 400 and 500 miles per hour it keeps the wings from ripping off and the plane crashing. You notice how planes slow down somewhat in their landing patterns to reduce the buffeting of the winds also. The slower you are moving forward (Usually) the less wind shear tends to be a problem.

So, because of all this as wind shears get worse and worse caused mainly by global Warming and global Climate changes you will hear more and more about people being injured on planes who aren't wearing seat belts. 

Can you be injured while wearing a seat belt?

Yes. But, it would have to be extreme like during explosive decompression like then the window hatch blew out in a plane over Oregon. Or the wind shear would have to be bad enough to rip off one of the control surfaces on the wings or tail of the plane but if a control surface was torn off it is most likely that the plane might crash eventually because of losing a control surface or it could just land badly but everyone might survive.

So, the point is eventually I foresee airports not working for planes at all because of all the changes coming up regarding winds around the world.

So, the best bet might be to take off straight up from the ground like a rocket ship and go maybe to 100,000 feet or 200,000 feet or more in altitude and when you came back somewhere on earth you would deploy a parachute and then land in water somewhere like in a lake or in the ocean next to land or an island.

This likely is the future of planes on earth and traveling long distances because of ever increasing wind shear around the world from storms and other causes.

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