Friday, March 29, 2024

Remembering the future

 How do you remember the Future?

IN 1980 when I first started writing about Arcane I didn't believe then that one could potentially "Remember the future". 

However, all that changed completely as I prepared to die in 1998 from a heart Virus. At that point in my preparation for death I became different in how I related with my soul to everything. I was preparing to leave this physical body and this takes some preparation in order to have this be successful. This is why it is so important if children pass away or young adults that you pray for them in order to help them have a better experience on the other side after they pass away. This also helps you so people don't get stuck in one way or another and come back and haunt you in their distress at not being prepared to die and for their souls to move on.

So, in remembering the future it begins with experiencing things in a different context than one would normally think in, It's much like when you wake up from a dream and everything is different. In fact, some of your dreams you are visiting relatives and friends from other lifetimes that you have known before in the past, present and future of your soul.

So, honor your dreams and honor your experiences simply because you may realize at some point that everything you were dreaming or thinking about might have already happened to your soul in the past, present or future or all three.

By God's Grace

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