Thursday, March 28, 2024

What I believe is actually happening with Hamas, Israel and Gaza

Presently after doing a lot of research I believe that Hamas attacked Israel when Hamas Leaders were Paid off by Russia and Iran who financed and planned this attack. It was authorized by Putin as a way of winning his war against Ukraine.

The other reason Putin would want to end Israel as a nation by doing this (which is what looks like is coming now) is that Putin wants control of all the Oil in the middle East. And I expect Israel to be destroyed and all the people gone who are Jewish out of the Middle East now within 10 years time.

Because the ONLY way Israel remains a Jewish State is if there is some sort of 2 state solution. This is the ONLY way Israel gets to continue to exist in the present world climate. It's no longer World War II and the world does not have sympathy for people who have killed about 25,000 Palestinians as victims of Israel's aggression against Palestine.

However, it must be remembered that Hamas acts more like a Drug Cartel or Terrorist Gang than a government.

So, one must recognize that this was all planned by Russia, Iran and Hamas to end Israel. And no matter how many Gazans Israel kills they are just digging their own graves by doing it the way they presently are.

It's not that Israel is wrong about defending against Hamas it's that the world won't put up with the extermination of so many Gazans by Israel while the world looks on in Horror!

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