Saturday, April 27, 2024

"A Gentleman in Moscow"

 It's on Paramount plus starring Ian MacGregor from Scotland. I and my wife are enjoying it a lot. I think people should watch this to see how difficult life in Russia has been for it's people since the Russian Revolution in 1917 when the Czar was overthrown. I think life has been much worse for people since the Czar has been gone actually and even worse now with Putin.

However, watching this one shows the problems to some degree that people dealt with. Even though this isn't an entirely realistic view of what happened you see enough of the problems to get a handle on how bad it was from around 1917 to the 1930s so far regarding what happened to the people of Russia.

Even now the intelligentsia of Russia left Russia when Russia Attacked Ukraine in it's most recent attack the last few years who fully understood how bad this was for the whole world and for democracy the world around. About 1 million of the best educated and financed Russians have left Russia for other countries so they wouldn't have to fight like the lower and middle Class has been forced to fight in Ukraine in this Unholy War against human rights and democracy.

So, in watching this series it is at once entertaining while also informative in regard to many of the atrocities and genocides that occurred during the 20th Century in Russia.

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