Saturday, April 20, 2024

The way I understand the Surveillance Bill

 The way it has been explained to me is that this bill is primarily to watch people who are from other countries in the U.S. who might not have any loyalty to this Country or Government. It is to try to prevent bad actors from other countries around the world from destroying our democracy in any way shape or form.

Although the bill is more complex than that it appears to be set up to work this way only for another 2 years time by both houses and Biden will likely sign this bill if he hasn't already.

Since we are close to a World War III or a Civil War Scenario here in the U.S. the Surveillance bill might help preserve our democracy long into the future.

However, what I wrote is very simplistic and there might be provisions in this bill that go way beyond what I'm saying here. This is just my simplistic understanding of what this bill is actually for.

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