Friday, April 26, 2024

Angels have come to me for years now and have told me that I am the future of mankind

I have wondered all these years a lot what they mean by this. Though I see the future sometimes I only see at most about 10% of what is coming and the rest is a mystery. Imagine if you could foresee about 10% of any given day and that those things you would know is the things that might kill or maim you or your family. So, you find ways to avoid being places that might harm you or the people you are close to anyway you Can.

So, what do they mean when they say this to me?

I think finally I have what they are saying to me. I think it means that people with the skills I have will be the ones who survive literally anything in life on earth. I think this is what they are saying.

For example, I was raised to be very pragmatic and logical because my father was an Electrical Contractor. So, I learned how to wire a house ( a new one or a remodel or even a business and even cement warehouse types of businesses where you have to shoot literally into cement walls to install EMT pipe to hold it is place with special straps made for this so you shoot the bolts into the wall with a .22 Long Rifle Shell or a magnum maybe and then it has threads on it that you can put a nut or wing nut or whatever is allowable in that area.

Then I also am a precognitive intuitive so I tend to survive things better than most people if I always listen to the angels before I do anything that might be dangerous.

So, this is what I think. If you are logical and pragmatic and live with the angels and listen to them then you are the future of mankind too.

By God's Grace

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