Sunday, April 21, 2024

Intuitive Writing

 For all of you out there who write intuitively like me it's important to realize what effects happen sometimes when you write about whatever you write about.

The single most important thing I have found is Not to write about something wonderful that is going to happen. This is probably the single most important thing. Why?

Because by writing about something wonderful coming often you are uncreating that wonderful thing by writing about it. How?

Because many people are negative thinkers so when they read about what you are writing about they unconsciously (because of their lack of understanding about the power of consciousness) tend to uncreate the positive things you see coming. 

Rather I have found the most efficient way to move forward is ONLY to write mostly about the bad things you see coming. Why?

Because then people are horrified to see the bad things coming and they pray for help to prevent these bad things.

This appears to be the most efficient way for Intuitive writers like myself to function.

By God's Grace

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