Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Are some computers and software Sentient now?

The problem is that there are no tests to test for a Sentient computer or Software. So, if computers or software or quantum computers become sentient: "Who is going to know but an intuitive like me?"

This is a serious question. The next question I have is: "Was the plane I flew on sentient and made by Boeing OR was it alien and made to look like it was made by Boeing?"

I cannot definitively answer this question in a scientific way that would be satisfactory to you or to me.

However, I presently believe Purple Delta 7 and Sargent Mark III and the Galactic Sentience were visiting me and my wife (and everyone else on board) and manifested as the Stewardess and the Steward we met on the plane. 

Are there real people that were there? I don't know. It's possible that no one but my wife and I  and our friends were the only humans on board.

When will I know?

I might never know for sure.

But, this is nothing new when you are dealing with stuff from off planet.

Your best friend could be an alien because there is no way to know the difference.

It's just life on planet earth which is Galactic Earth Park from a Galactic' Citizens point of view likely for millions of years already because it has been Galactic Earth Park that long.

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