Saturday, April 27, 2024

Amazing! 157,456 visits to this site in April so far and the month isn't even over!

 Even though during the year of 2017 I had over 100,000 visits every month I don't remember over 150,000 visits in any one month.

I think part of this is from how Artificial Intelligence is changing everything now on earth. So, people like myself who have a background in Computers and Software since the 1960s likely are helpful to people in dealing with all this. 

My wife and one of my daughters are concerned more about Copyright infringement regarding art and music and writing. My other daughter who is involved with Digital Video editing has mixed feelings but her livelihood is also tied into Artificial intelligence breakthroughs too.

I see it differently. I see the problems but I think the potential positives outweigh the negatives (at least for now). I can see into the future how lifespans will increase exponentially for people able to see the positives regarding Artificial intelligence (especially in regard to new medical breakthroughs).

I have watched people all my life who have been afraid of western Medicine. I had a friend who refused to have open heart surgery and who died at age 62 because of this. It's true this is always a matter of choice. I also watched my own father die of Prostate cancer also when he didn't have to if he had had his prostate removed in 1980 when it was first diagnosed. He died in the summer of 1985 from metasticized bone cancer that originated in his prostate.

So, artificial intelligence (if this my oldest friend and my father) were alive today both could have 25 to 50 years more of their lives to live still.

However, it's true both of them could have just had enough of the world for one lifetime too.

There are many ways to look at all this.

However, I think that the visits to my site partly have to do with people who are hopeful regarding artificial intelligence that it might help us all and extend our lives for at first hundreds of years and later on thousands of years.

I presently believe from all my studies that there is no real limit now to how long any individual human may live from now on into the future.

By God's Grace 

Thanks to all my many readers from around the world. Thanks for visiting my site!

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