Friday, April 26, 2024

Why did I choose to live with the Angels always 24 hours a day when I was 21 years old

 My experience of life up until around age 21 was what I would call: "The Agony and the Ecstasy". I could deal with the ecstasy being visiting wilderness places by myself or with girlfriends or parents or groups of people and the agony being trying to physically and monetarily and physically survive here on earth. Things didn't get that bad for me until after I graduated High School. Then suffering was unbearable at times to the point where I believed I wanted to die rather than to go on. This is a part of the problem of being a full Precognitive Intuitive like myself. You can prevent deaths all around you and maimings too but in the process all this is pretty painful at times too. So, my solution was to die at that time. But, then, I realized I couldn't do this to my parents and relatives and friends because I saw what other people who had taken their lives had done and often creates whole series of deaths in families or friendship groups.

So, I decided to soldier on and to sacrifice what I needed for the greater good. I think this choice also put me in good with the Angels too. They understand Sacrifice for the greater good too.

So, when I was taken by a friend of my mother's who was likely the most amazing clairvoyant of her kind that I ever met before in my life who was in her 40s then with some grown and half grown kids from our church she showed me groups of angels who appeared in her living room to us that were pink groups, and blue groups and gold Groups and White light Groups of angels.

As I was sitting there watching these angels I realized that I didn't need to die to stop suffering so much here on earth simply because I could invoke and live with angels 24 hours a day while here on earth. So, that day I made a vow to myself and to God and to the Angels to live with them the rest of my life.

This started me being a "Doorway to Heaven" where angels  come through my heart into the world and return through my heart into Heaven realms after doing their work. So, This is how I would describe how God and Angels have made me a literal "Doorway to Heaven".  So, as a gatekeeper I live literally with the angels now (thousands and thousands of them at this point) 24 hours a day. It's a completely different way to live than most people do.

If you are interested in doing this you have to think and run your energy differently than most people, however. You have to be disciplined in how you run your energy. The differences aren't that great really for sane people who can do this either.

It's mostly about running your energy so babies and children don't cry when you are around usually. It's true if they are sick or need their diapers changed they are going to cry anyway. But, generally speaking learning to be a comfort to babies and children and animals and birds everywhere you are is how you run your energy to attract angels to you too.

The other thing I do is to not use illegal drugs or alcohol either. This keeps you much clearer so they want to be around you too.

Besides, being around angels all the time keeps you "Spiritually High" in that you aren't all messed up most of the time and so your life feels very magical and God like and full of Grace because it is because of this too.

So, learning to live with and cultivate the angels in your life changes everything and this is likely the easiest way to live to be 100 or more than I know of. But, you have to listen to what they tell you because they see the future and will warn you what and who to look out for in your lives.

But, they also keep many people who are messed up away from you who cannot be helped right now for one reason or another too. 

So, you live in a world of Grace and Beauty with God and the Angels all the time and it just gets better and better and better as you think good thoughts and help all the people around you in Angel Ways by God's Grace. 

Thank you God

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