Monday, April 29, 2024

Blogging: "If you haven't done it before"

 I would have to say that when I started blogging in June of 1999 I didn't understand the medium very much. I just wanted to say Thank You to God for saving my life when an illness forced me to retire. I remember the angels saying to me when I thought I was dying they surrounded me "white light angels" and started saying in unison: "You aren't going to die. Your life will get better now!" over and over again until every cell in my body believed them. So, starting blogging I noticed when I vowed at STanford University Hospital waiting for an angiogram and electrical heart stimulation that if I survived this time in my life in Fall of 1998 that I would start a blog praising God for saving my life. And I did.

However, blogging is a lot more involved than that. At that time i had to write my whole site in HTML (Hyper Text markup Language) which is what most online stuff is written in that you read on a printed page with pictures and Gifs or whatever is there. It's true that other things like Java and others also are compatible with the basis which is HTML too.

But, I think as a blogger now with Auto coding systems like they have here at that there are other things you should think about like: "How do I protect my family from 8 billion people who potentially could read what I write" and "How do I protect my privacy and other friend's and family's privacy too?"

Then you get to the next part which is: "How many people do I want reading what I write or watching my Vlog (Video Logs) that I might put on line. And "Do I really want Video Logs online so people might recognize me on the street?" And "Do you know that any picture you take with your Iphone or other smartphone has it's GPS encoded right into the picture??" And do you want to take pictures in your living room and have people come and rob your house or kill you?"

These are just some of the things you need to think about.

Then regarding comments: "I had to finally stop publishing comments." I used to put comments up all the time until I realized by running Chinese characters and Japanese Characters and other languages through Google Translate that the comments were actually people trying to sell women for sex at my site. So, I finally gave up putting Comments at my site because of this. Of course you are free to do whatever you wish. However, just remember you might be held legally liable for whatever comments you publish at your site.

So, what is your motivation for starting a website? This might be important to start with. If you cannot identify WHY? you are starting a website then maybe you shouldn't be doing this because it is a lot to deal with on many different levels. Protecting yourself and your family and friends from harm while trying to help other people by entertaining them, teaching them, helping them in any way you can is a whole lot of work.

So, if you don't like the work or don't have the time why are you doing this?

For me, I find it therapeutic and helpful to my ongoing life and family. By having a blog it helps me contemplate my place in the universe and to think about what's happening in the world around me in a useful way. 

So, for me, blogging is one way to  become enlightened in a good way.

By God's Grace

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