Friday, October 18, 2024

What does it mean to Never Give Up?

 I think it might mean something very different than most people might think.

For example, it doesn't mean you don't cry yourself to sleep some nights because things seem so hopeless.

It doesn't mean that everything is going to always be okay in your life.

But, it does mean that at some point you try again at whatever you need to do to stay alive and to care for the people you need to care for. And you find a way to do this no matter what.

Never giving up mostly means you face whatever life brings you and you do the best you can even if you slip and fall along the way more than once.

It's not a short term thing.

You might need to reinvent yourself many times in many different jobs and even relationships along the way. It might mean moving to another country or something else like this.

Never giving up also might mean starting a business or getting remarried or finding ways to keep your kids in school or even finding a way to home school them if you need to do that.

Never giving up mostly means that you are a survivor and you will find a way to go on when others might not be able to.

Never giving up is finding a way forward no matter what you are faced with.

Never giving up is always the human condition we all live with.

I look back and imagine what my ancestors went through to come to the U.S. in 1725 to Philadelphia and if any of my direct ancestors ever gave up I would never have been born or raised in the 1950s and I wouldn't be alive here at age 76 now here in 2024.

Never giving up is what we owe our children and grandchildren and generations on into the future of finding way forward no matter what happens along the way.

By God's Grace

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