Friday, July 21, 2017

Cultures and Religions are only conditioning and an art form and that's all

I suppose you could call cultures and religions art forms and maybe that might be the most useful thing to say about them.

Have you ever seen people play music and dance and watched how music and dance is different all over the world?

Have you ever seen an artist draw a picture using any media you might want to see them draw in?

Culture and religion is the same as these singers and dancers and the same as these artists.

So, what is actually real?

What do you think is actually real?

I think if you walk into a wilderness away from people and watch wild animals in their natural habitat this is the closest to REAL a human being can get.

Because everything else in culture and religion is an art form and isn't actually ultimately real. You might think it is real but then likely you would be wrong.

What is a table?

A Table was designed by someone so you could sit in a chair so you didn't have to sit on the ground with bugs and animals like dogs and cats. But, once again it is an art form that someone thought of in their mind before they drew a picture of it and then got materials and actually made it.

But, is it real or an art form?

I think you should answer this question for yourselves

However, if you completely freak out with the level of critical thinking that one is expected to attain at least in high school or College here in the U.S. then maybe you should forget you read this article until you find you can cope with this line of thinking.

This is the essence of how a Free Thinker might think.

When you realistically assess all cultures you break them down to this. Then you aren't fooled by anything when you reconstruct them in your minds whether it is cultures or religions. And the largest cultures on earth are almost always based upon specific religions.

It is almost impossible to separate religion from culture anywhere on earth. Of course, there might be exceptions to this in some cases but if you go back several hundred years even then, all cultures spring mostly from religions of various sorts.

so, in the end it is almost impossible to separate cultures from religions in the end.

In this context are:



I think in a way you have to see all three of these things religions in the context that I am sharing all this with you in. And you will find conflicts between each of these religions too worldwide of various sorts.

Are they real?

They are real if you believe in them. They might not be real if you don't believe in them.

If enough people don't believe in anything it ceases to be a culture or religion anymore and we see evidence of this down through world history for thousands of years both in religions and cultures ongoing.

It doesn't mean it isn't still studied it just means it isn't practiced by enough people to still be considered a culture or a religion like it once was.

My friend who has a master's degree in History of Religion disagrees wtih me regarding cultures and religion and he is entitled to that point of view too.

I personally think the value of seeing all cultures and religions as art forms and not as real things takes us back to what humans really are: Domesticated animals.

By taking people back before all domesticating religions we will tend to honor all other life forms more and not drive them all extinct like we are doing right now through the 6th Great extinction.

And as we watch honeybees be driven extinct by neurotoxins that are in pesticides sprayed on fields and watch us not be able to raise literally anything any more world wide, maybe seeing humans as domesticated animals and not as other things might prevent the extinction of not only all creatures of earth but maybe mankind themselves as well.

We'll see.

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