Sunday, October 20, 2019

More regarding "Jay Leno's Garage"

While I was in Maui and Kauai sometimes I watched "Jay Leno's Garage" on cable there, so I was looking for when it came on here on the mainland on my cable service and found the previous article that I shared. In Hawaii I watched the one with Travolta where he drives his big jet into his home because he lives on his own airport or a development next to an airport somewhere in Florida. I also saw him fly in a plane that converts to a sea plane and is trailerable with a lady and take it off from a lake or ocean nearby. They flew up the Malibu coast in it and took off and landed in the ocean likely around Marina Del Rey or in Long Beach Harbor or wherever they allow you to do seaplane stuff around Los Angeles. I think I remember seeing seaplanes landing and taking off around Sausalito in the SF Bay area in northern California too. But, as you travel north into Canada and Alaska you see Seaplanes more and more especially along the coast from Vancouver and Victoria north a lot. My wife and I took a ride in a larger seaplane that seats about 10 or 20 I believe in Victoria while we were vacationing up there a few years ago now. But, in Canada and Alaska it is often better to travel by seaplane than cars or trucks or buses because there are so few roads and gas stations and hotels many places, especially from Vancouver and Victoria north into Alaska.

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