Monday, August 22, 2011

Grilled Cheesus

I was watching with my family an episode called "Grilled Cheesus" on DVD of the TV show called "Glee" where the high school football player singer in Glee "without the Mohawk" makes a Grilled Cheese Sandwich and the face of Jesus appears on it. He begins praying to Grilled Cheesus and all the things he asked for happen. Then because he is young and afraid he goes and talks to a high school counselor who talks him out of believing in "Grilled Cheesus". In the meantime the gay student singer's father has a heart attack and almost dies. So, in the context of this "near death" experience the aspect of religion and belief is brought up with different people expressing much different belief systems. I thought this is a very well written episode for people struggling with finding their own belief systems. The episode is very humanitarian in its writing which allows all belief systems to be okay including agnosticism and atheism. Which is sort of like how people generally experience things in the U.S. especially on the East and West  coasts of the U.S. where all belief systems are allowed in a more graceful fashion than most other places on earth.

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