Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rules of the Mandate

The following rules basically share who is exempt from having to have health care insurance and who is not. The following groups are exempt from having health care insurance:

People who are members of a religion that opposes health care insurance.
People who are undocumented immigrants
People who are members of an Indian Tribe
People who are earning so little that they are not required to file an income tax return
People who are unable to find insurance that costs less than 8% of their income
People who already have insurance
People who are insured already through medicaid or through their employer

However, if you do not fit into one or more of these categories you must purchase insurance independently or you will begin to pay a penalty on your income tax form starting in 2014 of:

$95 dollars minimum in 2014, $325 minimum in 2015 or $695 minimum in 2016

For example, when I was growing up my parents didn't believe in immunizations (shots) through the religion I grew up in so my first shot (immunization) in my whole life I was 15 and a Tetanus shot was required by law because of being accidentally bitten by a dog. So, because of my religion I was not required to ever have an immunization until age 15. So, people whose religions don't believe in health care don't have to buy insurance under the new mandate law. However, I have had health insurance for at least the last 20 years now because after I got into my 40s I could afford to buy it for myself and my family. Also, before age 40 I and my family were so healthy we never needed it because we lived in the mountains of Mt. Shasta where the water and air are clear and the food was and is organically grown that we were eating then and now.

Note: The mandate statistics are quoted from page 39 of the July 16th Time Magazine with Justice John Roberts on the cover.

Here are some more statistics from pages 38 and 39 above
 which cover "What the Affordable Care Act means" if you are:

A young adult:

You may find that prices are more expensive than today's, since beginning last year, insurers won't be able to set premiums based upon risk anymore.

A low to middle income earner:

you may be eligible for federal subsidies to help you
purchase insurance independently beginning in 2014

A Small business owner:

If your company has 25 or fewer employees
you may already be eligible for federal tax credits
to help you buy health insurance for your workers

A larger business owner:

If you employ 50 or more workers and don't provide them
with insurance --- or they can't afford insurance you offer
you could be fined starting in 2014

An Employee at a large company:

If you enroll in coverage at wrok, you won't have much choice
in insurance plans, as your employer will choose coverage options for you.

An Elderly Person:

You may have already received deep discounts on brand name drugs
and a $250 rebate from the Federal Government.

Someone with a pre-existing condition:

Insurance companies will not be able to turn you  away based
upon your present health status

All the above quotes are from pages 38 and 39 from Time magazine on July 16th with Justice Roberts on the cover.

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