Monday, March 18, 2013

Chuck Lorre Productions, #411

Primetime Capsule from "The Closet Reconfiguration" from the Big Bang Theory. If you have DVRed this episode you can read it after the last frame of the episode by pausing on this particular frame.

begin quote:

Because TV shows can linger in syndication for many, many years, there's an excellent chance that as you are reading this, I will be busy decomposing in a Jewish Cemetary. Needless to say, I hope that's not the case, and I have made the following four-part plan to avoid it. Step one: maintain a sensible diet, get plenty of rest and exercise, avoid actor-induced stress. Step two: use all my financial resources to purchase replacement body parts as soon as the originals begin to sputter. Step three: continue to swap out organs until the arrival of the Singularity, whereupon I will discard my Bondo body and upload my psyche into the cloud. Step four: be a mischievous cyber-ghost who zooms around the internet until technology allows me to download myself into a robot body with working genitals, tastebuds, guitar chops, x-ray vision and the ability to fly, live under water and in outer space. At which point, having made myself essentially immortal and indestructible, I will spend eternity exploring the universe and playing with my titanium penis.
end quote

I love how Chuck Lorre brings in the Singularity into this and parodies this way of thinking so well. Wouldn't it be funny if he is right about all of this?

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