Thursday, March 14, 2013

Compassion is both useful and Helpful in Life

The problem with Truth is that it either saves or kills people and nothing else. There is no in between. It is like the scales of justice in some ways and people half the time are killed by the truth through no fault of their own no matter what that truth is. So, compassion I have found is almost always helpful, especially if it is both practical and wise. So, teaching children compassion is always useful, even if it is teaching them to be compassionate to themselves. By learning compassion for oneself one is better able then to be compassionate to others. And learning this often means having a mate to spend one's life with because people who aren't compassionate usually don't have mates or if they do they don't have them for very long.

I started out in life as a young person worshipping Truth and I became my own personal truth squad of one and tended to join with others who were searching for the "Truth". If you are a scientist this is okay but if you try to find truth in regard to spiritual things this is pretty rough because "Truth" is always going to be subjective rather than objective. In otherwords there is "No Truth" that you can find that is universal completely in regard to everyone but compassion and kindness.

The real beauty of Walt Disney is that he discovered this too. By finding compassion and fun in everything he brought the whole world together having fun. By finding something that joined us all together rather than looking for something that tears us all apart compassion and friendship and fun are born.

I would still say that I'm always a "Truth Seeker" who has found that there are no religions that aren't corrupt. Spirituality itself can be uncorrupted and uncorruptable but religion by it's very nature has to always be corrupt. This is why: Whenever you bring money into anything it becomes corrupt naturally. Understanding this one principle of life you realize that religions must be corrupt because money is involved. Only if money is not involved can something ever not be corrupt or corruptable.

So, compassion can be uncorruptable to as long as money is not involved. However, in order to help some people money is going to be involved in helping them stay alive. So, how does one deal with this? One becomes very careful in how one helps people with money. Otherwise one is always creating more problems than one is solving. So, very involved and complicated ethical systems need to be in place in order to help people with money so one does not create more problems than one solves.

However, in the end if you start with, "Compassion can be both helpful and necessary to the survival of all Beings".  This is a good start.

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