Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Global Warming, Weather Warfare or both?

I'm old enough to have noticed the change in how things have been reported worldwide. So, I remember watching the news both on TV and in print since the 1950s. In the 1950s and 1960s we were encouraged as children growing up to understand all aspects of science including how nuclear weapons worked, how space ships were powered and worked, how everything worked. So, when news came on or in print about UFOS, weather warfare, nuclear weapons, electron particle beam generators my generation read all this avidly and was interested. Reports of Weather Warfare started from Great Brittain in the 1950s and 1960s and of how hundreds of people were killed in Brittain from the first British experiment with weather warfare in testing it. Then reports surfaced about the U.S. , Russia and China working with it and then (NOTHING). So, many of just assumed that this had become so secret no mention of it was in the news anymore. So, weather warfare hasn't been talked about since about the 1980s in the news anywhere.

But then, in the 1990s and since 2000 droughts and floods and freak storms of all kinds as well as the hottest days ever have been experienced all over the earth. So, my question to you is: "Is this because of human caused Global Warming, or is this partly caused by human experiments with Weather warfare?" Since the first successful experiments with weather warfare were in the 1950s and 1960s and then nothing more was heard about it, I think that likely many storms and droughts around the world are from different nations around the world.

So now, weather warfare has sort of become like nuclear weapons, cyber warfare and other super secret stuff worldwide. IN other words it isn't in the interests of any nation to talk about it.

So, my point of view is that it is now in the category of the conscious depopulation of Earth. So, my thought is it is a way for countries to lessen the amount of people on earth while also fighting other nations without having to have a nuclear war.

Recently, this came back into the news from Claims by Iran that it caused Hurricane Sandy. IS it possible that IRan caused Hurricane Sandy. The answer is "Yes". But only because I have studied weather warfare since it began in Great Brittain in the 1950s and 1960s and then dissappeared from news view in the late 1970s and early 1980s because of strict government controls worldwide. In other words I believe that weather warfare is now a likely forbidden topic for major news networks to ever speak about worldwide by governments like the EU, U.S.. Russia and China.

Drones wouldn't ever be spoken about either except that you can see them up there shooting missiles. If they were invisible you wouldn't ever hear about them either.

If you look into history and see how many wars throughout the centuries were caused by overpopulation and a lack of resources we are now worldwide in this position again in many countries. So, larger nations conducting weather warfare makes more sense. The problem is smaller nations would never know which nation or nations were causing their droughts, floods, snowstorms or Typhoons or Hurricanes. But I bet all the largest nations military forces know exactly who is causing what every day.

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