Saturday, March 16, 2013

Media Brainwashing in the U.S.

To try to understand where I'm going with this I'll tell you a true story. I was attending UCSC in Santa Cruz and I was taking a Social Psychology Class. It was a very large class like many of these types of classes in Psychology of 100 to 500 students. So, they broke us into sections after the main lectures by the Professor into about 5 groups or sections each with a Teaching Assistant. The Professor told us in his lecture that he was going to manipulate us in sections in various ways psychologically in order to teach us how governments and media manipulate group consciousness through various kinds of propaganda. Unfortunately, I realized later our group was being manipulated to drop the class at random. But because I was around 40 at the time the professor was really upset when I actually dropped the class and said, "I didn't mean for you or anyone else to drop my class because of social Psychology psychological manipulation. I'm really sorry you dropped the class." I said, which may have been true or I wonder, "Oh. I have 3 teenagers and am running two businesses in addition to any classes I'm taking here. So, whatever happened wasn't your fault at all." So, I think he felt better after that. However, secretly I wasn't so sure. But, the point is to better understand how people in the U.S. are manipulated in their consciousness every day.

The first is the easiest. Advertisers long ago realized parents could be manipulated by their children of various ages to buy things by brainwashing children to buy certain toys or in going to certain events by making the children think that they absolutely couldn't live without a toy or event. So, kids through their tantrums and Companies learned they could make lots more money by making kids torture their parents until they gave in and either bought the toy or took the child to the event or if the parent couldn't do either the parent felt so bad that they would probably need psychological counseling because they didn't have the money to buy the toy or take the child to the event or travel trip. So, this is how all this works commercially through large and small corporations. And we have all seen this as children and as adults and some of us as older adults our whole lives in the U.S.

But then there is governmental manipulation. Most people in the U.S. might not believe that governments manipulate people directly and indirectly all the time. One of the reasons that the U.S. has always won most wars it has been in is that the U.S. is the master of nonviolent subliminal manipulation.

To understand a little how this works have you ever been to Disneyland. Watch carefully maybe during the fireworks program how every ride and attraction there is advertised indirectly or directly while the fireworks and music are going on. So, on multiple levels people are being assaulted in ways that they love. They are in Disneyland and going on their favorite rides and watching fireworks and so happy to be there that they don't mind being a part of a full time infomercial that we all love.

Disney isn't the only corporation to be successful at this method. The U.S. Government got really successful starting during the Great Depression and then World War II. Just watch black and white movies (almost any of them) made between 1940 and 1945 and you will see just how masterful the U.S. actually was in generating propaganda that helped win World War II. After the war this then extended into Anti-communism and you can also see this directed specifically against the Soviet Union and Red China and everything behind the Iron Curtain. But, you might say (and you would be right) that we needed to do this to survive the Soviet Union then and to some degree the threats against the U.S. from Red China especially during the 1950s until Nixon and Kissinger went to China and set them up as a trading partner in order to make them be business partners so they wouldn't try to kill us. When China realized it needed us to financially succeed they gave up trying to kill us. (Even though they are still trying to steal us blind through the Internet in regard to marketable ideas through a concerted cyber corporate warfare).

But then there is still a deeper level the U.S. has turned to. Now, this might be the most surprising of all for many of you. This concerns what happened in 1947. It might come as a surprise to you that the computer or tablet or smartphone you are reading this on has been directly reverse engineered (the chips that make them work) from Roswell in 1947.

If you read the book by Timothy Goode in his book "Beyond Top Secret" we find something that slipped out through the Freedom of Information act likely in the late 1980s or early 1990s regarding a "For your eyes Only" letter from President Truman to incoming President Eisenhower which mentions the Roswell incident directly and even talks about the technology and the multiple alien bodies that were found then.

Then if you also look at a book written by Colonel Corso of Army DIA who worked directly for President Eisenhower along with General Trudeau on reverse engineering artifacts from Roswell that he was authorized to give to U.S. Corporations to reverse engineer and often told them it came from Soviet technology to throw them off track of suspecting it was alien in origin. Also "The Day After Roswell" is Corso's book that he wrote before he died with an introduction by U.S. Senator STrom Thurmond so it has credibility from this level too. Also, when asked on a radio program whether the CIA or DIA would disavow what he wrote about, he said, "They wouldn't dare!" He had a pact with General Trudeau that the last one of them alive would write this "Tell all" book so the world would know the truth.

But, if you haven't drilled down through all the half truths to the real truth like I and many have you might believe that it was actually a weather balloon and that it was all bunk which was what the disinformation campaign ever since in the U.S. has always been about. It is one of the reasons I write like I do because there is just so much most people don't know about what is actually real and going on every day.

However, then there is the other side of this. Even though "Men in Black" is actually a parody of what is actually going on, most people would totally freak out (especially religious people) if they believed for a moment what the truth actually is. So, though individuals like you and I can know the truth, if everyone did civilization as we know it would end. But then, how many people do you know that actually know the truth and haven't been completely bamboozled by the U.S. Government public disinformation campaign that has been going on since the 1940s? Only a few have seen the evidence and actually know the truth. I think even less know the truth than could actually build a computer from scratch custom made for themselves here on Earth. And maybe only those capable of ferreting out the truth can cope with it for now. If the rest are bamboozled by disinformation then they likely will remain that way unless they too delve deep enough to actually find out the real truth. And maybe it has always been this way here on Earth.

And besides, often in polite company for a variety of reasons it is better to pretend that the disinformation is actually the truth if you want to keep your job.  But, at core you still know the truth. And then there's the saying, "Know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free".

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