Thursday, March 14, 2013

Personal Truth

There are many kinds of truth. But personal truths are easier to get a handle on. For example, a group truth might be 10 people are going to Denver by car from Los Angeles. But what really might be happening is that the driver wanted to go to Denver and everyone else went along for the ride. They might not have even wanted really to go to Denver but maybe they just wanted to get out of Los Angeles for awhile. So what is the group truth really other than an agreement to travel together to Denver from Los Angeles. Yes. 10 people are going together to Denver but only 1 likely wanted to go in the first place possibly. So, what is their truth here?

But, if you take just the driver, his personal truth was maybe:"My girlfriend lives in Denver and I want to go visit her and maybe we could get married sooner or later." Yes. This makes more sense already. So why did he take the other 9 people to Denver with him? Likely for Gas money so the trip would cost him only 10% as much gas wise driving his big 9 passenger window van.

Personal truth is easy because you don't have to prove personal truth to anyone but yourself. And you can use the scientific method if you want to prove whatever you want to to yourself. Why is this important you might say?

The reason it is important is if you don't know what you believe life to be about it makes you vulnerable to other people's personal truths and maybe you don't want to be vulnerable to truths you have not ferreted out for yourself. Just because someone else discovered their truths it doesn't mean they have to become your truths too. However, if you are traveling in a foreign country and meet someone who speaks your language who lives there, often it is nice to listen to what they have to say. It might save your life or at the very least save you a lot of money while traveling.

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