Thursday, March 7, 2013

Quoting for Bloggers

If you have ever done a term paper in High School or College and you are a Blogger Blogging at your blog site it is important to put "End quote from:" or something like that after you quote something and then to either put the book or live show you got your information from. And in some ways it is even more important to put what article online you are quoting from by either giving the URL code or a copy of the word button. This way you avoid anyone saying you are:


plagiarizing - definition of plagiarizing by the Free Online Dictionary ...
v. pla·gia·rized, pla·gia·riz·ing, pla·gia·riz·es. 1. To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own. 2. To appropriate for use as one's own ...

In this way as a blogger you can quote and thereby share information without breaking any laws. And after you quote and place your quote and either a word button or a URL you can then put your own comments and what you are doing is legal and helpful to all as a result.

I stick to this format so that my site is legal internationally by so doing. I do not try to take credit for other people's ideas and information. 

However, as I'm doing research and reading 100s of articles and then 1000s of articles on a given subject I might synthesize or extrapolate at that point and since I cannot at that point remember all the names of the 1000s of articles I have read I simply say whatever I think. As you read more and more about ANY subject and write more, over time you likely get better and better at titling and understanding any given subject or any group of subjects and so your point of view might become more valuable to everyone over time. Also, your writing skills likely will improve over time and you will likely become better at expressing yourself over time and your typing skills(keyboard skills) sort of become like you are talking because you become so fast at it.

Technically, you might ask "How is this done?"

Answer: "IT is done usually by using the Edit feature at the top of the page usually to your left. For example, I compose in Firefox. Many people compose in Internet Explorer or Safari or some likely even in UBUNTU or other types of systems.  So, when I want to quote something I open multiple windows then when I find something I want to quote I highlight it in one window
by placing my cursor at either the top or bottom of it and then hold down the left click button until the whole thing I want to quote is highlighted in a color. ON most computers this is blue or purple but for example, I'm composing on my son's large IMac screen he left here for me to use which is about 30 inches across. And on this one it highlights in Yellow which I had not seen before. Then with the information I wanted to quote highlighted I go up to the edit function and then click "Edit" and then Copy in the fold down window from "Edit". Then I move over to my blog Window and open a page in my blog and click "Paste". If my computer has properly copied the information it pastes it into the new window at my blog site. Then I write "End Quote from:
And then I either do the same for the URL or I copy the word button out of Google for that sight from either Google News or Yahoo or whatever site I am quoting from. Then if I have any comments I think are relevant to this quoted article I put them after the word button using the above outlined techniques. By using this method you can quote any article and be within the law in most countries because you are giving credit for the information to those that originally wrote it.

So, in this way as long as you are not breaking any laws in your country worldwide you have helped the lives of your blogger readers, given your comments and all people interested worldwide have benefited while you have legally covered yourselves as the blog owners. 

Blogging as a term did not come into popular usage until the early to mid 2000s. But starting in 1999 for me after almost dying for 7 months in 1998 until May 1999 I realized God wanted me to start "Blogging" even though it wasn't called that then. So, since summer 1999 I have been blogging even though it wasn't called that then. So, I am giving you legal advice from about 
14 years of blogging even though it wasn't called that all that time.

However, as new laws come up it is possible that you might need to be aware of them in whatever country you live in so you stay within the law wherever you are blogging from on Earth.

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