Friday, March 8, 2013

The Squeaky wheel gets the oil

In regard to Sequestration it is obviously the Squeaky wheel that will get the oil from Congress and the President. Even though the way Sequestration is being applied is ridiculous it does reduce the overall expenses of government. So, even though on the one had it isn't efficient on another level it is. I gave an example recently of how if this were a person with a reduced budget for buying food, they might cut out buying Hot dogs, Steaks and any other meats, and replace this with Milk and Cheese and potatoes as staples. So, even though many people might be horrified by having to do this it might put these people within their budget and they would survive. This is why the Stock Market is going bonkers, because the U.S. Government is starting to live within it's budget by moving more towards what taxes it actually now receives rather than spending beyond it's budget. So, that is why the stock market is happy because we are moving as a country to what we actually can afford to spend, even though we are getting there in a ridiculous way.

But, for example, Aircraft carriers might not be able to be deployed because the people readying them might be furloughed a day a week or might not have jobs at all by the fall. So, we all need to see how this all shakes out in the end before we pass judgement. Basically, any part of the Sequestration that doesn't scream bloody murder will stay axed and gone. Is this a good thing? We will see.

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