Monday, August 19, 2013

Evolutionary Spirituality

  1. Though my personal definition of Evolutionary spirituality might be different than you will find in these word buttons I thought they might be helpful in better understanding what I'm writing about here.

    My personal definition of Evolutionary Spirituality comes from the fact that if you are an intelligent person then you are NOT one dimensional and can evolve in your thinking as BETTER information as to the nature of yourself and the universe arises. So, no matter how you were raised to think there likely are better ways to function than that. As a result being open to evolutionary spirituality and evolutionary psychology you are able to therefore evolve and have a much more amazing and fulfilling life than ANY of your forebears. In fact, you owe it to them because of all their suffering to get you here in the first place to "BE ALL that YOU Can BE!" in all ways. Understanding this, we stand on the shoulders of all our ancestors who have gone before us and as we become (one by ONE) totally impossible beings to comprehend by any of our ancestors. But, we are becoming so much more than we ever were before, individually and collectively by becoming every day "All that we can BE" which is not limited by anything save God or Buddha and likely because of this not limited in any Good Way.

    Like Jesus once said, "Even Greater things than these shall Ye Do!" (by God's Grace)



    Evolutionary Spirituality
    Evolutionary Spirituality is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge!
  2. Evolutionary Spirituality: Coming Home to Reality | Thank God For ...
    The practices of Evolutionary Spirituality can help us find, embark upon, and bask in the satisfactions of participating in the Great Work. Evolution is, after all, ...
  3. Integral Enlightenment: Evolutionary Spirituality with Craig Hamilton
    Integral Enlightenment offers spiritual practices designed to bring about a total transformation of humanity by awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life.
  4. Evolutionary Influences: A Brief History of Evolutionary Spirituality ...
    May 17, 2013 - Huston surveys the work of 29 luminaries citing their specific contribution to the development of evolutionary spirituality. We hyperlinked each of ...
  5. Evolution Spirituality: Definition, Principles, History | Universe Spirit
    Evolution Spirituality (also known as Universe Evolution Spirituality, ... The earliest ideas of evolutionary spirituality began to emerge in the 1940 and 1950's ...
  6. Evolving Wisdom - Integral and Evolutionary Spirituality
    Our programs in integral and evolutionary spirituality represent authentic, contemporary approaches to spiritual theory and practice, designed to bring about a ...

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