Tuesday, February 11, 2014

IT's what doctors don't tell you that might cause you to die

This was the most true in the 1950s when I grew up and people treated doctors like Gods that knew everything. However, that logically was sort of ridiculous and so a lot of people died by not asking enough questions.

Now, in some ways none of us has that excuse because we can literally go onto the Internet and ask almost any medical question and get up to more than 5 answers about the same symptoms and conditions. (And those answers may or may not agree at all).

So, though the saying "What doctors don't tell you might cause you to die" is less true than it once was imagine the ethical dillema of doctors regarding treatments and medicines.

Because all procedures treatments and medicines might accidentally kill you. No one really knows. So, my grandfather's addage which went something like, "Don't ever go into a hospital unless you have a broken arm or broken leg or to give birth. Otherwise, it's likely you are going to die there." Sort of is still true in some ways if you view the statistics of how many people die in hospitals (which is the last place I would want to die" by the way. If I have to die I likely would want to die looking at my favorite lake or meadow in the mountains. But, then again, that might be hard to arrange when the time actually comes for any of us.

So, the more I study about medicines and medical procedures I view it all more and more like I do Las Vegas. Unfortunately, you have to know the odds to make any sense of any of it. Because in regard to doctors, medicines and procedures, you are always gambling with your life. This is something for all of us to think about.

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