Friday, February 7, 2014

Progress and Technology?

People since I grew up in the 1950s have said things like "Progress is great! Let's all embrace progress."

However, less and less people really feel like that now because of all the horrific mistakes "Progress" has made in the world. Let me cite you some of the mistakes of "Progress".

Here are a few: Nuclear weapons. GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Dioxin (there is no safe level for anything with DNA in regard to Dioxin which 2-4-D is made of. I could name 1000 things or more that are worse not better today.

And here might be the most controversial of all (if it was politically correct to talk about which it is not).

Western Medicine: Which people say is the panacea to the world's ills. Well. This would only be true IF the Earth were as big as the solar system and we had infinite natural resources which we here on earth do not.

So, western medicine is a potential cause of human extinction within I would say 500 years.

But, then there is mother nature which is all about balance and the self preservation of the ecological systems of earth. When I grew up they used to say we all were going to die of overpopulation.

I don't think that's going to happen anymore. I think we are all going to be so thinned out from rising oceans, weather changes, the inability to predict rainfalls, the inability to grew foods consistenly anywhere etc. that overpopulation is not our problem anymore. Because the more people there are the more people that are going to die in catastrophes worldwide and this is a given.

For example, the 2004 Tsunmami killed approximately 250,000 people in one day (although some died later from injuries. I think likely you will see calamities of one kind or another kill up to 1,000,000 people at one time as the weather changes, earthquakes, tsunamis take place worldwide.

Also, because of the ice melting in glaciers in mountains around the world the weight change will cause those mountains to get taller. This may also cause changes under the earth in regard to earthquakes as well. Also, as ice melts at the top and bottom of the earth (the Arctic and Antarctic) it changes the weight of the earth and the weight of the water spreads out into the oceans all over the earth. So, when glaciers melt the oceans all over the world (which are interconnected remember) all raise in height. This also causes more weight on the earth under the ocean and might collapse the earth and cause all sorts of changes under the sea which might exacerbate earthquakes and earth movements of all kinds too.

So many forces are in play now including the incredible amounts of methane being released from the arctic and Siberia from snow turning into rain coming down and Magellan penguin babies dying from Hypothermia at the tip of South America that just the methane release from the melting tundra is going to drastically alter the ecology and weather of earth.

So, I would say the biggest single change we might want to watch out for is having to go back to the stone age to cavemen and cave women once again (maybe 25,000 to 30,000) alive at that point or outright extinction of all humans on earth.


So, what will the future bring?

I think if enough factors are able to be successfully plugged into computer models correctly we might know what the world will look like (just in regard to water and weather changes) during the next 100 to 500 years here on earth. So, I think this might be one of the most valuable things anyone could do to predict our possible future as humans here on earth.

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