Monday, April 21, 2014

375,000 visits to intuitivefred888

It will be 7 years now in the fall of 2014 that I have had this blog site. The last 3 years or so this blog really took off in readership. It especially started to expand in readership in 2011 when I advocated crowdsourcing with Geiger Counters in Japan and points east across the ocean that the ocean currents follow to Hawaii and the U.S., Canada and Mexico and South America and so on. So, this was the explosion point when my site quantum leaped into the present as far as readership goes. Now it is not unusual for my site to get visited 20,000 times or more a month by people all around the world. I try to share what I sense will keep the human race alive and not take us to extinction. So, the point of my site is basically two things, Enlightenment in all ways and preventing the unnecessary extinction of the human race. Most of you will agree with me that being wise enough to keep the world alive for all our children as well as our children's children's children is a very wise endeavor indeed. Thanks for visiting my site and being interested in some or all of the things I'm interested in.

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