Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cameras in the Cockpits of Passenger Planes?

Often there are cameras observing bus drivers or train drivers and other vehicles. People are asking why pilots of planes should be different without cameras there.

I think I agree with not putting cameras in the cockpits. The first reason is the way pilots have always viewed themselves sort of as astronauts or explorers. This has always been somewhat of a mystique or tradition.

If you remove that mystique (since most entry level pilots are not financially encouraged enough to make it really worth their while outside of the status) you are going to see less and less and less people willing to want to be pilots. So, just putting cameras in the cockpit likely would cause about 50% of the new pilots choosing not to be pilots for about 100 reasons.

That's not to say that we are not moving towards this. But, if piloting a plane becomes as mundane as driving a bus or a train and loses it's appeal for 50% of future pilots then something wonderful will have been lost in regard to  competent pilots flying planes. At that point you will start having as many accidents in planes as you do in buses and trains all around the world. This is the real problem.

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