Saturday, April 12, 2014

The End of Russian Capitalism?

The world is in a very precarious place because of what is happening in Ukraine. A couple of months ago while the Olympics were going on I don't think even Putin could have foreseen what is happening now.

However, because of what is taking place we may be witnessing the end of capitalism in Russia. And this should make the world sad if we are actually going to watch democratic capitalists Russian Style being driven into bankruptcy along with many German Democratic Capitalists who have invested heavily in Russia as well as the whole EU, Great Britain, the U.S. and many other countries around the world.

The next level of sanctions are an alternative to sending tanks, fighter planes, and cruise missiles to fight Russia with. However, this alternative is going to bankrupt many if not most true democratic capitalists  from all around the world who have invested in Russia since the days of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

And I worry both for the fate of these capitalists and for Russia itself as a democratic capitalistic nation. It seemed to me that Russia was far too corrupt under the Soviet Union and during that time much of the ecology of Russia was severely compromised or outright destroyed by bad management of resources.

So, what is the future of Russia now? Is it returning to a Soviet STate without Capitalism? Is it becoming a Russian Empire Again like the Tsars had? What is going on? Or is this just a natural spring back after 20 years of a collapsed Soviet Empire into something else entirely?

The world doesn't fully know yet. However, obviously the new world order of Capitalism since the fall of the Soviet Union is being handily challenged in a way not seen for a long long time.

analogy: It seems sort of like the story of the kid who won't let the team play with his football unless he is the team captain. And in this case the kid is Putin and the football is Capitalism. So, what happens now?

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