Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Hidden World: Writing Book saves teens life

The Hidden World: Book One (Age of Tolerance) Paperback

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  • The Hidden World: Book One (Age of Tolerance) Paperback

    end quote from:

    It turns out this young man had a rare form of Lyme disease. However, it took a long time for doctors to diagnose this. IN the meantime, he said the only thing that kept him alive was writing this book.

    In my own life I also found writing very helpful, especially when I had Blunt Trauma Childhood epilepsy from ages 10 to 15. I didn't really find out that my epilepsy wasn't hereditary until my son got his bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. He told me then, 'The only kind of epilepsy you can grow out of is from a blow to the head as a child'. So, through the process of elimination I realized that my fears of this being hereditary were unfounded all these years which was quite a relief in regard to my 3 biological children and soon to be born grandson.

    Writing because it helps to address your fears in a more useful way tends to keep people alive longer in a more useful way. I think being able to "Talk" or "Write" about what is frightening you is one reason this is helpful. Even if you don't want to talk to someone about what is bothering you, you can still write about it which can be very healing, especially after you write something there is sort of a dialog that happens internally even when you read it back to yourself. Because it is sort of like two people talking, the person who wrote it in that time and the person reading it in a new time. So, it is as if you have time traveled to visit your previous self that wrote this. This allows a dialog of sorts of your old self sort of warning the new self of what was or is actually wrong in a more definitive way. Also, years later you come to understand yourself better by having documents from who you were when you wrote this. Also, at any point (if you are interested) you can add comments of insights you have at any point to further enlighten yourself or others.



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